Our agreements are, unless otherwise agreed, subject to:
The Dutch Transport and Logistics general terms of payment, filed at the Office of the District Court in The Hague.
The Physical Distribution conditions 2000, filed at the Office of the District Court in Amsterdam and Rotterdam under numbers 177/2000 and 116/2000 respectively.
For international transport, the CMR Convention.
For national transport, the AVC-conditions 2002, deposited at the registry of the District Courts of Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
Full text of said conditions is included on our website: www.heezik.nl.
Copies of the conditions and of those referred to in these conditions will be sent to the Client upon first request.
We consider it important to draw your attention to the fact that in accordance with these conditions, which are customary for our industry, not every case of damage or loss is always fully covered. We recommend that you take out additional insurance for this purpose on your own.